Hover on Previous/Next Button: When the user's mouse hovers on
the next or previous button, the cursor change from default arrow to
pointer and the button is filled from transparent to white in .3
Hover off Previous/Next Button: When the user's mouse hovers
off the next or previous button, the cursor change from pointer to
default arrow and the button fades from white to transparent in .3
Hover on Fruit button: When the user's
mouse hovers any fruit button, the cursor change from default
arrow to pointer and the button scales up about 10% over time.
Hover off Fruit button: When the user's mouse hovers off
the fruit button, the cursor change from pointer to default
arrow and the the button returns to its original size over time.
Clicks On Previous Button: When the user clicks on the
"Previous" button, it will shift the carousel to display a line under
the fruit, the previous drink, and the background accordingly.
Clicks On Next Button: When the user clicks on the "Next"
button, it will shift the carousel to display a line under the fruit,
the previous drink, and the background accordingly.
Clicks On Fruit button: When the user clicks on a fruit
button directly, a line shows up under the fruit and the drink
and background will change to match the selected fruit.
Automatic Timer: If no interaction occurs for 4 seconds, automatically switch to the next slide.